Semmington Lock, Kennet & Avon Canal - securing trench sheeting

Semmington Lock at Meltsham, Wiltshire

  • CLIENT : Kennet & Avon Canal Partnership
  • CONTRACTORS : Dyer & Butler


As part of refurbishment works at the picturesque Semmington Lock at Meltsham, Wiltshire, on the Kennet & Avon Canal, new sturdy and attractive landing stages and mooring facilities were to be constructed.

The main contractor, Dyer & Butler, required a reliable corrosion resistant means of securing trench sheeting that was being installed at both ends of the lock to retain the canal banks.


Engineers, Crouch Waterfall & Partners, specified the versatile and well proven mechanical ground anchors as they could be supplied in complete stainless-steel assemblies, were rapidly installed and would achieve immediate proof loading. With the ground being particularly wet it was important that the anchors were fully corrosion resistant with a long life expectancy.

In total, 64 stainless steel mechanical ground anchors, fitted with 16mm high yield grip bars, were rapidly driven through the piles every 2.4m. The anchors were driven 4m into the banks, at an angle of 300, and set to a proof load of 30kN.

Once installed, a large timber capping beam was fixed over the top of the trench sheets and anchors to provide an attractive and sturdy landing area where the many boats that use the canal will be able to moor without fear of snagging or damage.